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Second Grade Field Trips

Juliette Gordon Low

(Girl Scouts and leadership)

25 Minutes

Students will learn how Juliette Gordon Low imagined a movement where all girls could come together and embrace their unique strengths and passions. She believed that “the work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers”. We build our history!

Students will be completing a couple of games to learn more about Juliette Gordon Low


(development of a Cherokee alphabet)

25 Minutes

Students will learn that Sequoyah was one of the most influential figures in Cherokee history. He created the Cherokee Syllabary, a written form of the Cherokee language. The syllabary allowed literacy and printing to flourish in the Cherokee Nation in the early 19th century and remains in use today.

Students will learn where to locate where the Cherokee People lived.

Students will complete talking leaves.

Jimmy Carter

(leadership and human rights)

25 Minutes

Students will learn facts about Jimmy Carter’s life and presidency and discuss Jimmy Carter’s role in promoting human rights. 

Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the United States, serving from 1977 to 1981. 

He was also a successful businessman, farmer, and humanitarian after his presidency. 

Earned a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002

Students will complete a paper house with a collage of Carter’s accomplishments and DPT will share it on Habitat for Humanity’s X page to show the student’s support.

Jackie Robinson

(sportsmanship and civil rights)

25 Minutes

Students will learn that the Famous baseball player, Jackie Robinson, was the first African American to play baseball in the major leagues! Jackie Robinson was known for being brave and strong, having served in the military before his baseball career and breaking the baseball color barrier. 

Students will be celebrating Jackie Robinson by participating in different games:

  • toss and catch (4 players)
  • 4 square game (2 games can be set up) (4-8 players)
  • blow up baseball (2, 2 pair teams)
  • Keep the ball up! (As many players that want to play)

The above rotations cover SS2H1(describe the lives and contributions of historical figures in Georgia history) and SS2G1 (locate and compare major topographical features of Georgia and describe how these features define Georgia’s surface).

Homeschool and hybrid groups are very welcome. To book your field trip email Vanessa Blanks, Director of Education and Museum Curator, at with the following information:

  • School Name
  • School Address
  • Contact Name, Phone Number, and Email
  • Grade Level
  •  Number of students attending
  • Number of classes
  • Number of buses
  • Will you be eating lunch on campus?
  • Preferred Field Trip Date
  • Field Trip Date Second Choice
  • Field Trip Date Third Choice
  • Preferred Start Time
  • Title 1 Status
  • Any Important Information that we need to be aware of? (Mobility issues? Special Needs Accommodations? Etc.)

Want to know more about planning a school field trip to the farm?

For details and booking, please contact DPT Director of Education Vanessa or call us at 770-668-0401.