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First Grade Field Trips

Benjamin Franklin


25 Minutes

Students will learn that Benjamin Franklin loved to do experiments. His kite and key experiment in 1752 was important because it helped prove that lightning is a form of electricity and that people can harness it. The experiment’s purpose was to investigate the nature of electricity and lightning, which were not well understood at the time. 

Students will create a kite with important elements about Benjamin Franklin.

Thomas Jefferson

(Declaration of Independence)

25 Minutes

Students will learn the role Thomas Jefferson had in the Declaration of Independence. He was known as the father of the Declaration of Independence. He loved to write and he decided to use his skills to help the colonies.

Students will then put a mystery puzzle together with a black light. When the puzzles are complete, read the message together. It is the introduction part of the Declaration of Independence. Instructor will explain that the first section of the Declaration of Independence, the introduction, explains the document’s purpose: to declare the reasons why the American colonies are separating from Great Britain.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea


25 Minutes

Students will learn the importance of the exploration by Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea. This exploration helped the United States grow! More people started to move to the West thanks to them.

Students will complete an interactive exploration map activity. Instructor will lead students in labeling and understanding the Louisiana Purchase.

George Washington Carver


25 Minutes

Students will learn about the life of George Washington Carver through a timeline activity. They will also learn about his discoveries of the ways to use peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes. 

In honor of George Washington Carver, students will play peanut-themed games.

The rotations above cover SS1H1 (read about and describe the life of historical figures in American history)
And SS1G3 (locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface).

Homeschool and hybrid groups are very welcome. To book your field trip email Vanessa Blanks, Director of Education and Museum Curator, at with the following information:

  • School Name
  • School Address
  • Contact Name, Phone Number, and Email
  • Grade Level
  •  Number of students attending
  • Number of classes
  • Number of buses
  • Will you be eating lunch on campus?
  • Preferred Field Trip Date
  • Field Trip Date Second Choice
  • Field Trip Date Third Choice
  • Preferred Start Time
  • Title 1 Status
  • Any Important Information that we need to be aware of? (Mobility issues? Special Needs Accommodations? Etc.)

Want to know more about planning a school field trip to the farm?

For details and booking, please contact DPT Director of Education Vanessa or call us at 770-668-0401.